
muvee Reveal - the latest incarnation of muvee's flagship product - has just been released on 11 June 2008! The behaviours of the 8 bundled styles are specified using muSE, in addition to all the styles developed for the now discontinued muvee autoProducer 6.1.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Anonymous symbols

muSE has a notion of anonymous symbols - symbols which do not have a textual representation - which are useful in situations where you need to keep a set of properties together, and in macros to introduce new variables into the generated expressions. The difference between named and anonymous symbols (apart from the textual representation) is that named symbols persist for the life time of the muSE execution environment whereas anonymous symbols and their property lists are garbage collected when there are no references to them.

Anonymous symbols are created using (new) . You can use an anonymous symbol as the first argument to the get and put functions to edit its property list.

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